How to Open Your Restaurant in Malaysia in 8 Weeks

Starting a restaurant looks very lucrative simply because people generally love to eat and we eat out lot..!! Asians are very lucky because we can afford to have breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and supper without having to know how to cook and without poking huge holes in our wallets. 

Eating out is part of our culture. We eat out all the time.

This explains the numerous restaurants, cafes, warungs, bistros, or kopitiams in almost every corner of Asian countries.  It seems like everyone knows and wants to open a restaurant.  

You don’t need to be a chef to open a restaurant. In fact, most restaurant owners can’t even cook.!  Many are politicians, singers, actors, models, housewives, retirees, businessmen who love food or even foreigners who want to introduce food from their homelands. 

While anybody can open a restaurant, it takes a truly hardworking, dedicated and discipline entrepreneur to open and operate a successful restaurant. 

I believe opening a restaurant should be easy so we have enough energy to concentrate on more important things, like running, managing and making it into a successful one…!

My first involvement in opening a restaurant gave me a nerve-wrecking experience. I raced with time to finish the renovation, to purchase the required equipment, to install the Point of Sales system, to get reliable suppliers and to hire staffs. 

But the one that really gave me the test of patience was to obtain the necessary licenses.

I found out that having a registered company with a valid business license was not enough.  Only after the restaurant was opened, I found out that I couldn’t put up a signboard because I needed a signboard license. 

I also found out that I was not allowed to play any music in the restaurant unless I have licenses from Recording Artists Association.  Then I also found out that I needed to apply for Liquor License. And the list went on and on.

I wish someone had told me about this earlier so I wouldn’t have wasted a lot of time going back and forth to DBKL (Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur) to obtain those licenses.

Then I found out that I had to increase the Paid Up Capital of the company if I want to hire foreign workers. Had I known that there is a minimum Paid Up Capital for hiring a foreigner, I would have registered the company with higher Paid Up Capital in the first place, thus saving me time and money to do amendments on the Company Article of Association.

After all the legal issues were settled, I found out that I had wasted money on buying some of the equipment because I could actually get those things for a fraction of the price or even free.

After that first experience, opening the second, third and forth restaurant was a breeze.  I knew exactly what needs to be done first, second, third, forth, and so on.

I wrote this book to pass my knowledge to anyone who plans to open a restaurant in Malaysia so you will not have to go thru what I had experienced before. 

I hope after reading this book you will be able to open your restaurant easily, fast and economically.

“How to Open Your Restaurant in Malaysia in 8 Weeks” is a detailed step-by-step ebook to guide you plan your finances, obtain necessary licenses and open your first restaurant in Malaysia within 8 weeks (or maybe less)

Do you want to open a restaurant but don’t know…

  • how to start a restaurant business?
  • what are the required licenses and how to obtain them? 
  • the legalities of foreign ownership in Malaysia?
  • how much money you will need to set up a restaurant?
  • where to open your restaurant?
  • where to get the suppliers for your restaurant?

WORRY NO MORE….!! This ebook will get all your questions answered. This ebook is tailored for beginners to address these questions and more, providing you with all the essential information and practical tips you need to launch your restaurant smoothly and confidently.

Unlike other guide books that offer general guidelines on WHAT TO DO to open a restaurant, this book will show you :


“How to Open Your Restaurant In 8 Weeks”

is a step-by-step comprehensive guide to open your first restaurant in Malaysia easily and economically.

  • SAVE TIME by doing the right steps.
  • SAVE MONEY by buying from the right suppliers, NEVER buy retail.
  • SAVE YOU FROM INSANITY on figuring out what licenses to apply and when to submit the applications.

The Ultimate Supplier List worth RM30.

Do you know how difficult it is to get reliable suppliers? You can try googling them. You will find that only a few suppliers have websites and most of them are outdated.

It took me more than 1 (one) year to compile all the trustworthy and reliable suppliers listed in the Bonus. 


Planning is the most crucial thing to do in opening your restaurant.  Plan your location properly to avoid being closed down by the authority.

  • AVOID BEING CLOSED DOWN for not having the proper licenses.
  • SAVE THOUSANDS OF RINGGITS by getting FREE items for your kitchen and restaurant. I will tell you how…!!
  • MANAGE YOUR FINANCES by making a simple business plan, calculating your cost correctly and pricing your menus appropriately.

Do you know that….

  • you can be fined by playing music in your restaurants? Avoid this..!
  • you don’t need to pay full price for your furniture and equipment?
  • your restaurant may not be allowed to employ foreigners?

With the insight from my ebook, you can relax…. and concentrate on the important things for your Opening Day.

Here’s what you will find inside my ebook:

  • A guide on how to form a company in Malaysia
  • List of licenses needed
  • A guide to make a business plan that will show you how much capital you will need
  • How to get FREE items for your restaurant
  • How to buy your equipment, furniture and cutleries cheaper than the market price
  • How to price your menu accurately
  • How to pick the best location for your restaurant
  • How to prepare for a smooth Opening Day

How To Open Your Restaurant In 8 Weeks will $AVE you $$ Thousands of Ringgit $$ and Millions of Headache..!!

Your investment of ONLY RM 89.90 will PREVENT you from LOSING THOUSANDS OF RINGGIT from making uninformed decisions.

I understand that you don’t know me.  So if you honestly think the information provided in the book is not useful, I will return your money 100%.  Simply send me an email and you will get your money back.  No question asked, no hassle…. Guaranteed..!!

You can either ask around,  browsing thru numerous websites to get suppliers on equipment, food and beverages…


Read this book and spend your valuable time in planning for your opening day.

This ebook will make you more confident in opening your restaurant door for the first time because you will be completely ready.

In restaurant business, first impression is the most important thing.

Open your restaurant only when you are ready, not half-ready, not almost ready.  You kitchen and service crews should be ready to serve a full house on the first day of opening regardless whether or not you will actually have a full house.

When a new restaurant opens, curious foodies will come and try.  You have to nail them on that first try. Never fail to impress them on that first try. 

  • No excuse on the new untrained staff 
  • No excuse on bad quality food
  • No excuse on slow food delivery 
  • No excuse on the malfunctioned air conditioning units 
  • And definitely…. no excuse on giving wrong orders. 

Once a customer leaves your restaurant dissatisfied, he/she will never return and the bad advertising will spread like a cholera.  Your Opening Day could be the first door leading to your Closing Down day.

(You will be ready after reading my ebook)

Should you have any question regarding the ebook, please feel free to contact me at

Warm regards,

Elly Suliana

Bati Ventures